Invisible Disabilities Advocacy Toolbox
This website was created by Emily Wisti & Pam Evans as part of an independent study
overseen by Dr. Lauren Moss
through Kutztown University's Counselor Education Program.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: are a group of disorders that occur when a mother drank alcoholic beverages during her pregnancy, and the baby is exposed to alcohol prenatally. A person with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder will have physical and neurodevelopmental problems.
Causes: when a women drinks alcohol during pregnancy.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders descriptions:
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ( FAS): the most severe effects that a baby will experience when exposed to alcohol prenatally.
Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ( PFAS): the baby has an alcohol-related neurodevelopmental deficits, but does not have FAS disorders.
Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ARND): an individual may experience behavioral problems, and may have an intellectual disability.
Alcohol-Related Birth Defects ( ARBD): the individual may have physical problems with their hearing, their heart, their kidneys, and/or a combination of all of these.
Common Populations Affected by the FASDs:
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders affects any baby/person who has been exposed to alcohol prenatally
FASDs is depicted as one of the highest causes of developmental delays as well as mental retardation and birth defects.
Signs of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders:
Primary ( after child is born exposed to alcohol)
Facial abnormalities
Small head
Low birth weight and height
Attention/concentration problems
Poor balance
Language problems
Poor social skills
Sensory disturbances
Signs of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Secondary ( seen later in life):
Mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, ADHD
School problems
Substance abuse
Legal problems
Protective Factors: Helps diminish FASDs effects:
Diagnosed before 6 years of age
No exposure to violence
Involvement with special education
A stable and loving home
Basic needs of the child are met
Behavioral therapy
Parental training and support groups on the FASDs to empower parents
Early Intervention Services for child under 3 years old
Special Education Services for child over 3 years old
Close monitoring by child's’ pediatrician
When a women drinks alcohol during her pregnancy, her baby drinks too.
FASDs are all preventable when a women does not drink during pregnancy, even when she might get pregnant and she does not know yet that she is pregnant.
Resources in Berks County:
Service, Access & Management: for mental health services, crisis and emergency care. Call: 610-236-0530.
Greater Reading Mental Health Alliance (An affiliate of Mental Health America) : for support groups, education/information. Call: 610-775-3000.
TASC: Treatment, Access & Services: for drug abuse and addiction information and treatment. Call: 610-375-4426.
AA ( Alcoholics Anonymous) Reading-Berks Intergroup. Call 610-373-6500. Web site: "http://www.readingberksintergroup.org"
COCA( Council on Chemical Abuse): Prevention and treatment resources for FASDs. Call 610-376-8669.
BCIU ( Berks County Intermediate Unit): Free developmental screenings and special education services. Call: 610-987-2248.
Resources in Lehigh Valley:
Services, Access & Management for mental health services, crisis, emergency care. Call 610-419-9102.
National Alliance on Mental Illness( NAMI). Education, information for friends and family with mental illness. Call 610-882-2102.
TASC: Treatment, Access & Services: for drug abuse and addiction information and treatment. Call 610-432-6760.
AA( Alcoholics Anonymous): ABE Intergroup. Call 610-882-0550. Web site: "http://www.aalv.org"
COCA( Counsel on Chemical Abuse): Early intervention services; outpatient treatment for those affected by substance abuse. Call 610-437-0801.
Lehigh County Early Intervention: Early Intervention from birth to 5 years for children with special needs/developmental delays/disabilities. Call 610-782-3125.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Web Sites:
www.nofas.org: National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
.http://www.fascenter.samhsa.gov: Substance abuse and mental health services.
www.readingberksintergroup.org: AA meetings in Berks County
www.aalv.org: AA meetings in the Lehigh Valley
cdc.gov/ncbddd/fasd/facts.html: Facts about FASDs
faslink.org: Information on FASDs.
Reading Health System 24-hour Addictions Hotline: Call 484-628-8186.
Centers for Disease Control. ( 2015). Facts about FASDs.Retrieved March 26, 2017, from cdc.gov/ncbddd/fasd/facts.html.
D. Michaud; V.Temple ( 2013). The complexities of caring for individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: The perspective of mothers. Journal on Developmental Disabilities,19(3),94-101.
J.Pei; K.Denys; J.Hughes; & c. Rasmussen. ( 2011). Mental health issues in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Journal of Mental Health, 20 (5), 438-448.
Wikipedia. ( 2017, March 16). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.Retrieved March 25, 2017 from https://en-wikipedia.org/wiki/fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder.