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Depression also known as Major Depression or Clinical Depression is a mood disorder. This disorder causes feelings of sadness and loss of interest. It can affect your: thinking, behavior, emotions, and day to day living. Depression is something you don’t just “snap” out of, and goes beyond feeling a case of the blues. Some people may only have one episode in their life time, and others may have many episodes throughout their lifetime. Majority of those with depression feel better with counseling, medication, or the combination of both.


Depression affects 19 million Americans a year (10%) of the population. The most common age that Depression occurs is between 25-44 years old, and is least common for those over 65 year of age. In children Depression affects boys and girls equally, but is rare before pubescent years. Woman are twice as likely to be affected than men by Depression.


Signs of depression are, but not limited to:


  • Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood

  • Loss of interest

  • Thoughts of suicide, death, or suicide attempts/self-harm

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Irritability

  •  Decreased energy/fatigue

  • Weight changes/ appetite

  • Physical symptoms (aches and pains, cramps, headaches, digestive issues)

  • Trouble thinking or concentrating

  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt

  • Fixation on past failures or blaming yourself for things that aren’t your fault/out of your control

  • Anger

  • Avoidance of social interactions 

  • In some cases, use of drugs or alcohol


Services for Depression in Berks County:


SAM (Service Access Management


Ruok? 610-236-0530 (texting service instead of calling)


Spruce Pavilion at Reading Hospital 484-628-9027


NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness


Greater Reading Mental Health Alliance (An affiliate of Mental Health America)


Berks County Websites:

Services for Lehigh Valley:


 NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness





StLukes Hospital



Lehigh Valley Websites:



National Websites:



  • American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association, 2013.


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