Invisible Disabilities Advocacy Toolbox
This website was created by Emily Wisti & Pam Evans as part of an independent study
overseen by Dr. Lauren Moss
through Kutztown University's Counselor Education Program.
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders: As per the DSM-5, Anxiety Disorders include signs and symptoms of experiencing intense fear along with anxiety. Fear is an emotional feeling for when there is a real or a potential threat. Anxiety is what we are feeling when we are anticipating a potential threat.
1.Generalized Anxiety Disorder: This disorder is described as an individual experiencing extreme anxiety for the past 6 months. This anxiety and worry will interfere with an individuals' everyday functioning, with impairment socially, occupationally, and psychologically.
Signs and Symptoms: Restless; shakiness; fatigue; trouble sleeping; trouble concentrating.
Populations affected: Females are affected 2x more than men; the disorder increases in middle age, with decreasing in later life; occurs more frequently in developed countries than non-developed countries.
2.Separation Anxiety Disorder: An individual has excessive anxiety when separated from their home or from an important/attachment person in their life (such as a parent).This can occur close after a major loss such as a death, divorce; a move; becoming a parent.
Signs and Symptoms: Excessive anxiety over losing a significant other; fears to be alone; nightmares over a separation; sleeping difficulties; can cause major distress in all areas of our life: school/work/socially.
Population affected: More often in females; this is the most frequent anxiety disorder in children under 12 years old.
3.Panic Disorder: Ongoing, sudden panic attacks of intense fear.
Signs and Symptoms: Shakiness; increased heart rate; feelings of being short of breath and choking; dizziness; numbness; feelings of detachment and unreality.
Populations affected: Females; can occur in children; teenagers; peaks in adults, and rates decrease in individuals over 64 years of age.
4.Social Anxiety Disorder: Intense anxiety in a social setting, which causes an individual to avoid social settings as the individual has fears of being judged in a negative manner. This disorder causes impairment in functioning in an individuals' daily life.
Signs and Symptoms: Shakiness; poor eye contact with others; blushing; drinking before social event. Older adults may avoid social settings due to a disability, medical condition, memory problems.
Populations affected: Females affected the most; seen more in teenagers to young adults.
5.Agoraphobia: Intense anxiety when in closed in places ( stores); when in open spaces( bridges); on public transportation; being in a crowd; being away from home, and all alone.
Signs and Symptoms: Worries that something awful may happen; vomiting; getting lost; may have a panic attack; falls; and, some individuals may refuse to leave their home.
Population affected: Females; older teenagers; early adulthood.
6.Specific Phobia: An intense anxiety over a certain situation/object, that causes severe distress in all areas of our functioning: school/work/socially.
Examples: Animals; snakes; water; heights; injuries; medical care/blood; planes; elevators
Signs and Symptoms: Avoidance of object/situation causing intense fear. Fainting may occur; an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. These signs and symptoms may occur after experiencing a trauma or witnessing a trauma.
Populations affected: Females more than males with the exception of medical phobias of injuries/blood, or, injections, then both male and females affected the same. Phobias can begin at any age of our lives, especially after a trauma. If a phobia first begins in adulthood, it will continue on.
Risk Factors For Anxiety Disorders:
Being female
Close relatives with anxiety disorders
Exposed to stress both as a child and as an adult
Low economic resources
Local Resources:
Berks County
1.Services, Access & Management of Berks County for Mental Health Services. Call: 610-236-0530
2.Greater Reading Mental Health Alliance (An affiliate of Mental Health America), 1234 Penn Ave.Wyomissing, Pa. Call for Anxiety/Stress Support Groups at 610-775-3000.
3.Haven Behavioral Hospital, Reading, Pa. Inpatient and Partial Hospitalization Services. Call 484-663-5349
4. Reading Hospital Behavioral Health Services, West Reading, Pa.Inpatient, Outpatient, Partial Hospitalization,Drug and Alcohol Services. Call 484-628-8000.
5. Reading Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Room, West Reading, Pa. Call 484-628-HELP.
Greater Lehigh Valley
1.Services, Access and Management of Lehigh and Northhampton Counties for Mental Health Services. Call 610-419-9102.
2.National Alliance on Mental Illness(NAMI).802 W. Broad St. Bethlehem, Pa.Education/support/information for friends and family with mental illness. Call 610-882-2102.
3.Lehigh Valley Health Network, Behavioral Health: Inpatient Care, Call 484-884-2485. For Outpatient Care, call 484-884-5783.For Partial Hospitalization, call 484-884-5690.
4.Lehigh Valley Health Network: "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction" Group. Call 610-402-CARE.
5.St. Luke's Behavioral Health Services: Support groups; Counseling; Crisis Team. Call 484-526-2400.
6. Women's Mood & Anxiety Therapy Group; group meets in Allentown every Wednesday at 4:30 pm. Call 610-400-1092.
Web Sites:
mentalhealth.gov ( including resources in Spanish)
www.PA211.org ( health and human service information for PA).
Love Is Letting Go of Fear, by Gerald Jampolsky, M.D.
Local ( Berks County):
610-236-0530 ( Select "0" for Crisis)
Text ruOK to 484-816-7865
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Anxiety disorders.Retreived March 17, 2017 from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders/index.shtml